Youth In Action
We exist to educate the underserved and at-risk Youth; offering them the expanded advantages of full participation in our society, which can only be achieved after elevating their self-esteem and their scholastic levels.
It is our goal to assist children at risk of all races, to develop a positive self-image, set realistic yet significant goals and benefit from first-hand experiences in positive social relationships.
We are a unique resource to help manage the many challenges that keep our children from being successful such as low self-esteem, poor personal health, family situations, gangs, teen-pregnancy, substance abuse and poor school performance. Operated entirely by volunteers who are excellent role models because many are from backgrounds similar to those they serve. They provide a powerful example that belief in one’s self, hand work, discipline and goal setting can achieve success.
Youth in Action Community Center offers resources that will help develop leadership in our young people. These resources will help create better responsible and productive young people in our society.
The Youth in Action Community Center exists to work in partnership with other agencies, to empower at-risk and underserved youth as advocates for their education, treatment, mental wellness and over health and happiness through recreation and sports programs; to help mold mines and young people’s hearts to achieve their dreams and goals in a safe environment.